Wednesday, August 15, 2007

News and Notes: Tasty Tibits

Wow, August 15th, 2007 already. Kids are either getting ready to go back to school or already are. This year has really flown by so far.

Crazy busy, worked on a kennel run yesterday. Makes for a great workout. Lift that post driver and slam it down, whoo hoo.

On the weight loss front, the fat is falling off. Using that post driver is quite the workout, not to mention carrying around welded wire cattle panels as well. It's the ranch work exercise program; effective and productive at the same time. lol.

The Poms are doing great, we really have some adorable little hairballs. But of course I would think that.

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Life is a journey...enjoy the trip...Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
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