Saturday, September 30, 2006

Quote of the Day

“It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.”
- James Gordon

The quote struck a chord with me today...

Friday, September 29, 2006

Good Day All You Work At Home Titans...

Last week a florist from Mexico asked me, via email, if I could tell her in 14 words “What is this all about?” I shook my head as I read her frantic missive; noting the live links she had bypassed. Links rife with helpful tools, opportunity, and knowledge.

Then I thought, there’s many more than 14 words throughout this note and those sites. So here it is in 14 words or less.

What It’s All About:

Giving Back
Helping Others Help Themselves
Helping You Build Your Business…Builds My Business

There it is in 14 words.

Speaking of Business Builders: The Predator Marketing System continues to build momentum. Since it’s launch September 1st my system has generated 5 paylines, and just keeps on going.

If the thought of generating yourself a substantial home-based income appeals to you - without any prospecting, selling, answering questions, speaking to prospects or making telephone calls - and all for roughly the same cost of a good home PC system - then please be sure to look over my website :

Click here to View The Predator Marketing System

Watch the movie… excellent graphics and content. Then fill out the call back form for complete details! This is one you can’t afford to miss!

Here is a complimentary goodie… it’s an excellent e-book in pdf format… enjoy… Better Web Sites

Life is a journey…enjoy the trip…Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs

The Business End

Featured Business:
The Predator Marketing System.

Happy Hairballs:
Robbins Run Pomeranians

Phone: 307-788-0202
Phone calls accepted 9:00 am to 6:00pm
Mountain Standard Time
Skype: robbinsrun


Entreprenuer en.tre.pre.neur

A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture

One who is willing to live like noone else so that they can LIVE like noone else!