Friday, December 29, 2006

I Have A Very Special Year End Gift For You


I have a very special year end gift for you.

I am going to make a pretty bold statment here, and tell you that the gift I am about to give you will change your life!

And all I ask is that you please read this entire message. I know it's a bit long. But I promise it will be well worth the time you spend reading it.

So, go grab yourself some egg nog (with brandy), coffee, tea, a beer or whatever your preference. Then sit back, relax, and read this, because I have a couple of questions you need to answer.

And I want you to answer truthfully. Not for me, but because you should ALWAYS be honest to yourself.

Here we go...

Are you happy with your achievements this past year?

Did you meet the goals you set for yourself in 2006?


Do you feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day to get things done in your life, and in your business?

Do you feel like you haven't really acomplished anything at the end of most days?

Until the latter part of 2006, I used to feel like I had 100 things 1/2 way done on any given day. And I felt as though I was just spinning my wheels, not feeling like I was getting much acomplished.

And I gotta tell ya, a lot of the items on my "things to do" list have absolutely nothing to do with business...

Simple things like going to the store to pick up some groceries, going to the post office to mail off a package, or remembering to go walk the dog and get some exercise are all part of the equasion as well.

Have you ever had to break a promise to one of your children because you ran out of time or money???

I am sorry to have to admit this, BUT I have!

And it's one of the worst feelings I've ever experienced in my entire life. And I made a promise to myself a long time ago that I would NEVER EVER again let my ambitions get in the way of spending time with my family... nor will I ever again let my own
shortcomings cause dissapointment in my childrens' lives!

Not finishing all the items on my "things to do" list each day, used to make me feel like I was a bad business person. And sometimes, I would feel like an absolute failure!

I've recently come to realize that I am a damn good business person. I am providing valuable services, coaching and training to anyone who is willing to listen and "take action"

But the reality is that until the latter part of this year, I was living my life in constant overwhelm!

Are you living your life in constant overwhelm, like I used to???

If so, I have a gift for you.

It is BY FAR the most valuable piece of coaching, and pracitical advice I received in all of 2006. And I want to share it with you in the hopes that it will benefit you in 2007 as much as it has benefited me in 2006.

It's an e-Course, which was put together by my friend and business partner, Kurt Steele. It's called, "Gaining Massive Momentum In Your Life and Business"

But, before I give you the link, I just want to say one more thing.
Well, maybe 3 or 4 things...

I NEVER beat around the bush. And it get's me into trouble sometimes. But, I believe honesty is not only the best policy, It's the ONLY POLICY!

So, I want you to listen up. And I want you to listen good!

I ALWAYS practice what I preach. And I will NEVER recommend anything to anyone, whether it be a tool, a product, a service, a marketing technique, or anything else, unless I've tested it and used it myself!

Having said that, I want to tell you that I "put into practice" what this course has taught me EACH AND EVERY DAY of my life! It has taught me to "focus on results," to take control of my life, to "take massive action," and to "feel good" about myself at the end of the day, instead of feeling like a failure because I didn't finish everything on my "things to do" list.

This one course is worth thousands of dollars to me, and it can
be for you too. If you are willing to listen and take massive action!

Here's why... there is a difference!

What is the difference between the Ultimate Online System courses, and all the other "How to make money on the Internet" courses, and alleged "wealth building" systems available on the net these days???

And the answer is very simple...

Our system IS NOT all about getting rich on the Internet!

It's all about getting rid of your stinkin' thinkin'

It's all about teaching YOU to truly think outside the box

It's all about helping YOU to dig down deep to find your "why"

It's all about helping YOU to discover your passions

It's all about YOU Incorporated

It's all about how one size DOES NOT Fit All

It's all about introducing the right experts, the right tools, for the right job, at the right time, based upon YOUR business... NOT OURS!

It IS NOT a race!

Getting to the finish line first, WILL NOT not make you wealthy!

It's about following the dots, and "doing" one lesson before you go on to the next one, so you don't feel overwhelmed.

BUT, what IT IS really all about is personal developement and empowerment, "focussing on results" and accomplishing specific goals in your life, which can then be applied toward moving YOUR business to the next level.

And this, is non existent in any Internet marketing
course or system I've purchased, or any marketing seminar I've ever attended.

And believe me, I have bought just about every course, and I've attended
just about every seminar under the sun!

The "Gaining Massive Momentum In Your Life and Business" e-Course, is just one of five "hands on" courses found in our foundation level, and diamond coaching packages.

There is still time to get in at a 90% discount. If you lost the link, here it is again... The Ultimate Online System

If you're not interested, that's fine. You can pay more next year, or whenever you decide that you want to start seeing some measurable results in your life and in your business.

But do yourself a favor, "Take Action Right Now"

I sincerely hope this gift helps make 2007 your best year ever!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Life is a journey... enjoy the trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Happy Hairballs

The Ultimate Online System... give yourself the gift of success

p.s. If you do find this advice helpful, the best "Thank You" you can give me is to implement it and Then come back and tell me your success story.


mountain standard time

skype: robbinsrun

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Robbins Run Ranch Pomeranians

95 Acres in the South Eastern Corner of Wild Wonderful Wyoming...just a hop and a skip north ofDenver Colorado and Cheyenne Wyoming...

Where Experience is the Difference

Pomeranian Puppies Teenagers, & Young Adults Available Absolutely Beautiful Healthy... hand raised hairballs, AKC, 1st Shots, microchipped,

Standard Parti & Exotic coat colors available 307-788-0202

It is very important to have the right match between you and your new Pomeranian... as this is a long-term commitment... for both you and your new furry friend...

My aim is to raise Happy...Healthy Dogs... and place them in quality, loving, lifetime homes... If you would like are welcome to tour the ranch and meet the Hairballs (Poms) in person...of course you will want to make an appointment. Unless you are interested in grabbing a rake. and enjoying a wonderful workout cleaning exercise yards and changing bedding. guaranteed to burn I do have extra rakes and various necessary tools on hand for surprise visitors. we can chat while we complete ranch necessities.

In the meantime please do tour our home on the web at Robbins Run Ranch Pomeranians so you can actually see our wonderful hairballs... alias Pomeranians... and perhaps have some of your questions answered... before phoning... any additional questions you may have I will be happy to answer... and of course I will have some questions as well... as I am rather protective of my Pomeranians... Enjoy

Life is a journey... Enjoy the Trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs


Mountain Standard Time

Skype: robbinsrun

Come See us at:

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Saturday, November 04, 2006

news and notes... walk on fire...

Are you ready to walk on fire?I was in a voip conference last night and that question was asked... valid question. I woke up around 3:30 this morning and the first thing through my mind was... Are you ready to walk on fire?

Some of us have been in the work from home arena for a while, others are just looking to start a home business. Some of us are established in our efforts to earn income on the Internet, others are just moving into that arena. It doesn't matter whether you've been around for years, have a brick and mortar offline business, are strictly in the virtual arena, affiliate marketing, or network marketing, this question still applies. Are you ready to walk on fire?

So what does that mean? Are you ready to walk on fire? Have you determined or are you ready to do what it takes to discover the Following:

  1. Know who you are
  2. Know What YOU want
  3. What Do YOU need
  4. Training

What's in your primary business portfolio? What do you want to do with it... what are you willing to do to make that happen?

  • What are you willing to sacrifice?
  • where are you going to be in 2 years?
  • where are you going to be in 5 years?
  • where are you going to be in 10 years?

Failure is only failure if you fail to learn from the experience! Use fear as a tool, a motivator. It's up to you. Are you going to allow failure and/or fear to paralyze you, or are you going to use it as a tool to further your growth, both personal and in your business endeavors?

As you are marketing your primary businesses...


  1. know who you are...
  2. know what you want...
  3. what do you need
  4. training...
  5. Who are your leads...potential customers/clients
  6. what do they want
  7. what do they need
  8. training... yes again... training...

Learn how to get traffic to your website... Learn what to do once you get traffic on your website...

Once you get the traffic (potiental customers/clients) to your website you have around 5 seconds to answer these two questions for your customers:

  1. what is it
  2. what's in it for me

What are you prepared to do to get these things into your gut...what are YOU prepared to do really?

Learning is an ongoing process.

Here’s what I’m not going to do… I am not quitting…unless I’m dead in the ground. Period End of Story! I’m going to do whatever I have to do to make this happen. Short of trashing my integrity. Can I take the heat…honey I’m already in the fire…come walk on fire with me...

What am I using to make this happen... where am I learning how to do this... where am I obtaining some of the best training available on the internet... where do I have unending professional support... hmmmm.... ok I'll tell you.

The Predator Marketing System, has a stand alone product as well as carrying your business portfolio to the next level. That's right I said your business portfolio. There is the wonderful option available of having professional closers follow-up and close your customers/clients/downline in your portfolio businesses as well as Predator Sales.
Take a look at the our products page. Woof Baby...

Veretekk,... Veretekk, is internet marketing on steriods! Premium lead generation, 20 traffic portals, profit portals, live training, support... and you can start out for free. Sign up for a silver system, get into the training and learn how to make your business fly.

Both Predator Marketing System and Veretekk

What's in my Primary Business Portfolio?

New Vision International: Premium vitamin/mineral, health energy products, essential oils (absolutely wonderful), and a fantastic line of spa products as well

Healthy Pet Net: I have switched my puppies to Life Abundance Dog Food. Wow... what a difference. I fed a premium feed before but this is seriously making a difference. Excellent dog treats, vitamins, and pet safe household products as well.

The Business End Review: The key to making money online is knowing how and where to start. Without the right starting point you will waste precious time and a ton of money. The following products guarantee your online success, all you have to do is read them and follow their expert advice!

The Ultimate Rep: Join one of the most attractive business opportunities on today's market with NO cost to join, free web site, free subdomain, free support and more! Enjoy SIX or more streams of residual income - all built in parallel. No cost to join (Paid programs are all optional).
Use your existing memberships - no need to join under us. Free Website with Personalized Virtual Domain. Fully International Opportunity. Unique traffic exchange splash/squeeze pages display and speak visitor name. Special Personalized Websites to promote all of your affiliate programs. Websites employ popups and popunders to take full advantage of traffic exchanges.

Of course I use traffic exchanges and Adland Pro as well. The Ultimate Rep has a great list of traffic exchanges to join. I really like this program. It will be included in The Business End Review: Shortly along with The Easy Chair Millionaire.

Here are a few of my favorite Traffic Exchanges:Traffic Swarm, Instant Buzz, 10kHits4UNow

The day is flying and I've got to run... Kennel care is calling my name. The Happy Hairballs at Robbins Run Ranch Pomeranians are a delightful part of my portfolio. We are planning on adding a dog boarding aspect to our operation within the next year or so.

Life is a Journey...enjoy the trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
The Business End!
mountain standard time
skype: robbinsrun

Thursday, October 26, 2006

News and Notes

This is one of those tongue in cheek days... so much that needs to be done that at times it seems insurmountable. Note I said “seems” insurmountable... it's not really... but if you look at the whole instead of taking one step at a time... yup... insurmountable... ugh... sooooooo lets take one step at a time... and watch how the scenery changes...
step 1... this note... my computer was in the shop all last week... talk about with drawl no computer... ok.... here goes...

Tomorrow is my 15 year wedding anniversary. we've made it 15 years... to me that's an accomplishment.

I have a goal to be met by my 16th anniversary. Get in shape! That's my main goal. Get in shape physically... emotionally... mentally... financially... The past 3 years of illness has wreaked havoc in all 4 areas.

Physically: not being able to work out has turned me into a jabba the hut look-a-like... before the remake. Or rather...I've allowed not being able to work out to turn me into a jabba the hut look-a-like. No excuses... no blaming whomever or whatever... just deal with it and go on from here.'s the committment... I'm going to complete one of the races Welcomes You To The always Held The Sunday Of Memorial Day Weekend. Benefitting the Cheyenne Boys and Girls Club. The Cheyenne Track Club/Road Runners Club of America puts them on... they are as follows:
Vedauwoo 5k Walk/Run
Medicine Bow Half Marathon (13.1 miles)

I don't know which one I'm going to do yet... I'll be walking not running... I have 130 pounds to lose and running would destroy my knees... so it's walking. Here is the Link to the Official Wyoming Marathon Website. If any of you would like to join me on race day... or in training. Training updates will be posted on my Life is a Journey Blog.

Be consistent taking my vitamins and minerals. My body is going to need them to grow strong and lean.

Emotionally: Hmmmm…Make a point of living with an attitude of gratitude. Be thankful for the wonderful life I have the opportunity to live.
The Secret is a good place to nurture this attitude

Mentally: Focus my mind in the direction I choose to go… rather than where I am afraid I’ll end up. Take 20 minutes a day for focus and reading. Mentors on a Mission has some excellent insights along these lines, so does The Secret, and Success University.

Financially: This has several areas … all of which are in the work at home arena. Be consistent working with Robbins Run Ranch Pomeranian Kennels. Photography, grooming, kennel care, construction, website updates, marketing. Working towards establishing the boarding end of the business.

Continue to work from home with
Affiliate Marketing.

Reduce debt load, Financial Freedom Society has some wonderful tools in this area. I should say reduce debt load, live financially free. It doesn’t matter how much money you make if you do not know how to live financially free. If you are spending more than you are taking in… you can be making a million a year and still be debt poor. Learn how to handle your funds.

Ok so… how am I going to meet my goals. By helping other people meet their l goals. Most people who start a home business don’t make it. Most people who start an internet business do not make it.

No I’m not being negative, simply stating a fact. By helping other people meet their goals… I meet my goals. If you are willing to learn, and to work I’m happy to work with you. I will not do it for you; I’m not your Mama nor your Auntie Sue. I am a self employed individual, an affiliate marketer, mentor and trainer. This is what I do. I work with a variety of programs some of which are Predator Marketing System, Veretekk, Financial Freedom Society, New Vision, Healthy Pet Net Life Abundance Dog Food, as well as several others.

Predator Marketing System is my featured business. There is excellent training there and good value for your dollar. I use Veretekk for lead generation and newsletters. There is none better on the web. I know … I’ve done the research. Veretekk is the best out there. I also use traffic exchanges to generate traffic. Traffic Swarm and Instant Buzz are 2 of my favorites.

Check them out… Skype me or give me a call and we’ll see what we can do for you… I don’t bite… well maybe sometimes…lol…

Life is a journey... Enjoy The Trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Mountain Standard Time
skype: robbinsrun

The Business End
a Nifty Linking Tool...
The Predator Marketing System


Click here to get Free Targeted Website Traffic

Quality Products. Healthy Living


What Is The Secret

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Difficult People: 3 Things You Must Know!

"The person who constantly angers you or frustrates you...controls you."

Do you know any difficult people? Have you ever worked or lived with a difficult person?
Are YOU a difficult person?! It's amazing how many participants in my leadership trainings will come up to me at the end of a program on, "Dealing with Difficult People," or "Dealing with Difficult Employees," and confide to me, "Colleen, I think sometimes I'm a difficult person and just realized it today!" Well, we can all be difficult people from time to time. But what do you do with the person who is chronically difficult? A key component to life balance is learning to live and work with difficult people. Because there will always be difficult people. Here are three important points to remember.

1) All behavior has a positive intention - even with difficult people.
2) Low self-esteem is sometimes the culprit.
3) You can't always please everybody.

1) All behavior has a positive intention. Take for example the gossip. When someone comes into your office gossiping about everyone else, who are they trying to make look better? Themselves. That is their positive intention. As a matter of fact, while you are reading this article, what do you think the difficult people/gossips are doing in your office or somewhere else? Gossiping about YOU! I'm just kidding. Sort of.

I don't think gossips realize that when they gossip to you about everyone else, you are probably thinking, "I wonder what they say about ME when I'm not around?" Remember, they have a positive intention. Sick as it may sound, they are trying to make themselves look better.

What about whiners and complainers? If someone comes to you complaining and whining about how much work they have to do, or how overloaded they are, what are they looking for? They're looking for empathy, sympathy. That's their positive intention. Now, we all have times when we're overloaded and feeling overwhelmed. But I'm talking about the real whiners and complainers. Those you might label "emotional vampires" because they just suck the life out of you.

What about snipers? Believe it or not, even they have a positive intention. They are the difficult people who throw little "digs" your way, rattling your cage and ruffling your feathers. What's their positive intention? To make themselves look better. And, they think that by cutting you down, especially in front of others, that they'll look better. For example, in an open work area, a sniper might walk by and within earshot of others say to you, "Well, there goes Shelly, on her 100th personal phone call of the day!" And, you weren't even on a personal phone call! Often, these are the same people who after cutting you down and insulting you, will say to you, "Oh, you just have no sense of humor." They're trying to put it all back on you. Really though it's about them and their own insecurities. Keep that in mind.

2) Low self-esteem. A lot has been written and talked about regarding self-esteem and self-confidence. It almost seems a bit ridiculous quite frankly. For example, every child on a team winning a trophy even though they were on the LOSING team. All in the name of "self-esteem."
And yet, a lot of difficult people do suffer from low self-esteem. Not always, but often. Only one out of every three American adults has high self-esteem, and we're a pretty positive culture. But only one out of three adults really has high self-esteem. Some of you may be thinking, "Well, I know it's definitely not me!" That's okay. It's something you can work on. The point is, that with difficult people it's not necessarily about you. You aren't the problem. It's about THEM. They're the difficult person.

Low self-esteem often has its roots in childhood. For example, a child being teased in school by fellow classmates can result in one having a low opinion of themselves. You all know kids can be cruel. Sometimes it's something a teacher said or that a parent said, or being compared to Super Parent or a superstar sibling. Any number of things can cause low self-esteem. You don't always know what's going on with someone else and why they're acting the way they do.

For example, years ago I taught the Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics program. Presidents of companies, executive V.P.'s and salespeople, many of whom were seemingly confident, would quietly confide in me before class that they were nervous about taking the course. Why? Well, the more I talked with them, the more I'd find out how many of them were dyslexic way before we knew what dyslexia was. Talk about something that could wreak havoc on your self-esteem! Nowadays, we know that people with dyslexia are often VERY bright and usually have above average intelligence! Back then, however, these things were not known. So, you never know what's going on with someone else and why they're being difficult.

Sometimes you can do all the right things and nothing works because they're a difficult person who doesn't want to change. Or, they haven't been held accountable for needing to change. So remember, focus on the part you can control - you. And keep in mind these three things: 1) All behavior has a positive intention. 2) Low self-esteem may be the reason they're difficult people. 3) You're not always going to please everybody.

3) No, you're not always going to please everyone. Sometimes, for whatever reason, you may not like somebody, or they're not going to like you. You won't always please everybody so get rid of the notion that you will. People pleasers you know who you are! We can't always worry about what everyone else thinks of us. I think we realize that more and more the older we get.

As a matter of fact, Dr. Daniel Amen has what he calls the 18-40-60 rule. The 18-40-60 rule is:
When you're 18 years old, you worry about what everyone is thinking of you. When you're 40, you don't care anymore what everyone thinks of you. And when you're 60, you realize nobody's been thinking about you at all! How true is that?! The older we get we realize "everybody" isn't thinking about us. They're caught up in their own stuff.

Don't be one of those people who tends to dwell. For example, have you ever been in a situation where a week after your encounter with the difficult person you're still stewing about them? And thinking about them? Thinking about what you "should have said?" You know what? The person who constantly angers you and frustrates you...controls you.

What I recommend you do, especially if you work with a difficult person, is keep a pad of paper along with a pen in your car. Anytime you're afraid you're going to say something you'd regret, especially if you're a manager or supervisor, go out to your car during a break. I realize many of you are so busy you don't even know what a break is anymore! Seriously, though, write down everything you'd like to say, that you never could say. When you arrive home, tear up what you wrote or burn it. Throw it away. It's a cathartic way of getting rid of some of those emotions.

Be careful, too, of the words you use. Avoid absolutes with the people you live and work around. For example, don't say, "You always" and "You never." I guarantee it will only put that person further on the defensive. I once role played with a gentleman in one of my leadership trainings, and I said "John, you are always late. You never do the work around here." He looked at me, pointed and said, "You sound like my wife!" Everyone roared with laughter. I think he was joking, but you get the point.

Even big name advertisers have to be careful that their words and slogans get translated properly into other countries and languages. For example, it's been said that Pepsi's "Come alive with the Pepsi generation," translated into "Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave" in Chinese. Frank Perdue's chicken slogan, "It takes a strong man to make a tender chicken," was translated into Spanish as, "It takes an aroused man to make a chicken affectionate!"

In conducting leadership training around the world, especially when discussing dealing with difficult people or difficult employees, I sometimes have my participants take the following pledge. It's one that adds humor but gets the message across:

"On my honor, I promise, when dealing with a difficult person, that I will bite my tongue and count to 10. Because if I don't, I may say something that I will LIVE to regret!"

Colleen Kettenhofen is a speaker, workplace expert, and co-author of The Masters of Success, as featured on the Today Show, along with Ken Blanchard and Jack Canfield. To order the book, or for more free articles and e-newsletter, visit Popular topics: leadership, management skills, dealing with difficult people, public speaking. Colleen is available for keynotes, breakout sessions and seminars by calling 971-212-2412, email

You are free to reprint or repost this article provided Colleen's name, website and email are provided at the end of the article.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

News and Notes...

"Do something. Either lead, follow or get out of the way." - Ted Turner

As I was sorting through my email today I noticed a subject line of "In Good Faith". This simple turn of phrase has much to do with business. Or rather, it has much to do with how you conduct your business. Are you conducting your business "in Good Faith"? Are you interacting with others "in Good Faith"?

It doesn't matter whether your primary focus in business is in an offline brick and mortar business, Or whether your primary focus is to make money online, operating "In Good Faith" plays a part.

Perhaps you are using Ebay to make money, or looking at a business internet start up, operating "in Good Faith" is essential.

I'm not talking about blind faith here people! I'm talking about being true to your word. Following through with what you say. Operating your business in an honorable manner. Here's the twist, operating "in Good Faith" involves requiring those that do business with you, or interact with you to do likewise.

It doesn't matter whether you are dealing with a local mom and pop shop, or a multi-billion dollar company. Operating in good faith an essential component in being successful. This applies to dealing with customers/clients as well as your business partners.

Requiring others to operate in good faith is not always comfortable. If you are going to deal with people, sooner or later you are going to meet someone that renigs on their agreements. It's up to you to stand firm, in a professional manner. Use good judgement, make sure your business agreements (contracts) are clearly stated. Make sure your purchase/sales agreements are clearly stated from the start. Here's the key! Use good judgement, and stand by your policies. It's up to you to decide when exceptions are allowed, if they are at all.

Be clear, concise, and operate your business "In Good Faith". In the long run this will build goodwill (a valued asset), respect, and credibility for you and your business.

I have both; a brick and mortar business, (in my case it's a kennel: Robbins Run Ranch Pomeranians ) and I work in online marketing, both networking and affiliate.

The online business that I am featuring is The Predator Marketing System. It launched September 1st 2006, and has the much valued Make Money or Make Excuses course package behind it. Al Turnquist, the CEO, has hit a home run with this one.

The Predator Marketing System has a viable stand alone product. In addition it showcases your business or businesses, pulling your web presence out of the shadows into the full sunshine. Resulting in increased sales across the board.

With the training that is included in the phenominal Predator package, you will be able to market anything you choose... and Be Successful At It!

Come see us at: The Business End!

By the way... my dogs absolutely love this dog food: Life's Abundance My tiny Pomeranian puppies are doing great on it, and so are my large breed rescues.

I just had to pass it along...

Life is a journey... Enjoy The Trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Mountain Standard Time
skype: robbinsrun

The Business End
a Nifty Linking Tool...
The Predator Marketing System

PS. Here's some Free goodies that will help with your marketing efforts.


Click here to get Free Targeted Website Traffic

"Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm." - Sir Winston Churchill

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Explode your downline... looks good to me

I highly recommend you check this out...

For a limited time you can gain private access to a great audio package called Downline Secrets by James Grandstaff and Mike Filsaime.

You will learn about an ingenious 3 step strategy that exploded James’ downline to over 5,700+ in just a few months.

I was given private access and was told I could share it with my friends only, so I wanted to send it to you...

Just go right here:

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Mouthy Fellow Has Something Good to Offer

As you know I am always on the look out for viable affiliate programs. In my quest I came across a rather rude website. Made me smile so I checked it out to find that it has much to offer. The Rich Jerk has been added to our portfolio here at The Business End Review.

Friday, October 06, 2006

News and Notes...

Good Day all you work at home titans...

My focus this week is on Personal Responsibility.

Personal Responsibility is paramount to a successful life, by any definition. This is true in your personal family life, as well as your business life.

What do I mean by personal responsibility?

Whenever you venture into a new business, offline or online, do your due diligence. Whether you are a stay at home mom looking for a work at home opportunity, or one of this world's moms who work from home already, it is important to fully investigate any work from home venture.

Whether you choose to work at home full time or are looking for a part time Internet business, whatever program you choose needs to have a viable stand alone product.

Of course this applies to the work from home dads as well as singles of whatever gender.

I can not stress this enough, Investigate! Does the program you are considering, or already involved with, have a viable stand alone product? If so, do you know what it is? If you don't know what you are selling, find out. At the very least your integrity is on the line.

On the flip side if you are criticizing, or critiquing, a program make sure you actually know what you are talking about. Can you back up your statements with fact? If you are slamming a program and can not back up your statements with facts, you are compromising your own integrity. Not to mention opening yourself up to a liable suit. It doesn't matter whether it is a high dollar system or a low dollar system, know your facts.

The Predator Marketing System is one such system that actually has a viable stand alone product. There is training available for all, who choose to follow-through, that rivals a year at university. In addition there is the Make Money or Make Excuses the Journey Continues course included in the package. On going mentoring and support as well as a real estate course. As well as, professional closers taking the pressure off of you in regards to closing a sale, and advertising support.

Obviously I think highly of this program. The training that is included is top notch. This is a program that if (note that if) you get into the training and impliment it. You will be able to market anything you choose on the internet and be successful at it. There's that personal responsiblilty thing, it's entirely up to you as to whether you take advantage of the available training. Or just sit on the couch and munch potato chips and gripe because your internet business isn't making you any money.

That being said, the Platinum level of Predator Marketing System is not for everybody. It has a hefty price tag of $3995.00 In my opinion it is well worth the price. (yes my system is platinum) However, If you are new to internet marketing, or your budget is stretched beyond belief this is not the starting place for you.

The Gold level in Predator may be more inline with your budget allowances. It runs $1499.00. I can't stress this enough, this is a business decision. Ask yourself: is this a viable option for me? Is there any way my budget can cover this without sacrificing the mortgage or rent. If it is a viable option for you, take action. Make a decision and take action.

If the Platinum or Gold levels are beyond your finances, or your risk level. Then don't do it. Start at the Silver level. The Silver level in Predator Marketing System is only $59.95. This is the place to start if your finances simply will not accommodate the Platinum or Gold systems. Or if you have no internet experience. Start at the Silver level and get into the training. At this level you have training available, and the opportunity to work up to the higher levels. Get into the training and learn how to market on the internet. Don't procrastinate, make a decision and take action.

The Predator Marketing System supports your other businesses on it's business portfolio page, acting as a traffic portal promoting the programs and or products you choose to market.

The Predator Marketing System is a new launch that has the stability and value of Mentors on a Mission driving it on. This new launch has both value and substance.

Life is a journey... enjoy the Trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs

The Business End
a Nifty Linking Tool...
The Predator Marketing System

PS. Here's some Free goodies that will help with your marketing efforts.


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Who is Responsible for Your Life

Personal responsibility is paramount to a successful life, by any definition. MOM is an excellent training course, both on the basics of business as well as focusing your mind for a balanced successful life. Predator Marketing System which as Mom as part of its package is an excellent vehicle to carry you and your business portfolio to your desired goals.

Life is a journey...enjoy the trip...Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs

The Business End

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Do Your Due Diligence

Whenever you venture into a new business, offline or online, do your due diligence. Whether you are a stay at home mom looking for a work at home opportunity, or one of this world's moms who work from home already, it is important to fully investigate any work from home venture. Whether you choose to work at home full time or are looking for a part time Internet business, whatever program you choose needs to have a viable stand alone product. Of course this applies to the work from home dads as well as singles of whatever gender. I can not stress this enough, Investigate! Does the program you are considering, or already involved with, have a viable stand alone product? If so, do you know what it is? If you don't know what you are selling, find out. At the very least your integrity is on the line.

On the flip side if you are criticizing, or critiquing, a program make sure you actually know what you are talking about. Can you back up your statements with fact? If you are slamming a program and can not back up your statements with facts, you are compromising your own integrity. Not to mention opening yourself up to a liable suit. It doesn't matter whether it is a high dollar system or a low dollar system, know your facts.

The Predator Marketing System is one such system that actually has a viable stand alone product. There is training available for all, who choose to follow-through, that rivals a year at university. In addition there is the Make Money or Make Excuses the Journey Continues course included in the package. On going mentoring and support as well as a real estate course. As well as, professional closers taking the pressure off of you in regards to closing a sale, and advertising support.

The Predator Marketing System supports your other businesses on it's business portfolio page, acting as a traffic portal promoting the programs and or products you choose to market.

The Predator Marketing System is a new launch that has the stability and value of Mentors on a Mission driving it on. This new launch has both value and substance.

Life is a journey... enjoy the Trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs

The Business End
a nifty linking tool...
The Predator Marketing System

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tuesday Morning

Good Morning one and all... oh my... I came across a program that has me pretty excited... For those of you that are serious about multiple streams of income... gotta check this one out...

Simply WoW!

Life is a journey...enjoy the trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs

Monday, October 02, 2006

Monday is Flying by...

Hello... goodness monday is flying by... at warp speed... I discovered a new traffic promoter today called Link Crews... looks pretty interesting... you can sign up for free and check it out... I did...


Saturday, September 30, 2006

Quote of the Day

“It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.”
- James Gordon

The quote struck a chord with me today...

Friday, September 29, 2006

Good Day All You Work At Home Titans...

Last week a florist from Mexico asked me, via email, if I could tell her in 14 words “What is this all about?” I shook my head as I read her frantic missive; noting the live links she had bypassed. Links rife with helpful tools, opportunity, and knowledge.

Then I thought, there’s many more than 14 words throughout this note and those sites. So here it is in 14 words or less.

What It’s All About:

Giving Back
Helping Others Help Themselves
Helping You Build Your Business…Builds My Business

There it is in 14 words.

Speaking of Business Builders: The Predator Marketing System continues to build momentum. Since it’s launch September 1st my system has generated 5 paylines, and just keeps on going.

If the thought of generating yourself a substantial home-based income appeals to you - without any prospecting, selling, answering questions, speaking to prospects or making telephone calls - and all for roughly the same cost of a good home PC system - then please be sure to look over my website :

Click here to View The Predator Marketing System

Watch the movie… excellent graphics and content. Then fill out the call back form for complete details! This is one you can’t afford to miss!

Here is a complimentary goodie… it’s an excellent e-book in pdf format… enjoy… Better Web Sites

Life is a journey…enjoy the trip…Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs

The Business End

Featured Business:
The Predator Marketing System.

Happy Hairballs:
Robbins Run Pomeranians

Phone: 307-788-0202
Phone calls accepted 9:00 am to 6:00pm
Mountain Standard Time
Skype: robbinsrun

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Today has Been an Educating Experience

Today was an experiement in site design and affiliate marketing. I am a strong proponent of multiple streams of income.

Predator Marketing System is my featured Business. It is a truly excellent opportunity in the work from home arena. Utilizing all the bells and whistles of Veretekk in concert with Predator is a work of art in the Internet Marketing arena. Veretekk offers 20 traffic portals, several of which are profit portals. Most of which you can explore and utilize at the free level of veretekk. Predator Marketing System and Veretekk together drive business to your current businesses, at the same time creating truly excellent income streams. Feel free to explore both systems... be sure to watch the movie in my Predator Marketing System Site ... the graphics are top notch.

The training is top of the line... and the income potential is staggering. $200,000 plus per year is a realistic figure rather than pie in the sky as is with so many programs...

Life is a journey... enjoy the trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I Found a Nifty Linking Tool

Good-Morning all you work at home titans... As I was doing my due diligence this morning I came across a nifty linking tool...
Free to get started... of course you can upgrade... for a nominal fee... I more than likely am upgrading... right now I'm snoodling about in it seeing all it's bells and whistles... and playing with a few... I do love playing with bells and whistles... especially when they are promoting my websites. It's all about SEO now isn't it... more exposure means a better bottom line... while we are seeking that better bottom line... don't forget to check out The Predator Marketing System it's simply too good to miss...

Life is a journey...enjoy the trip...Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs (Poms)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Work From Home...

Exciting news on the Work from home front... The Predator Marketing System
launched September 1st 2006 and is a shooting star. Lighting up the work from home territory. In my opinion outshining the likes of PAS, Prosperity Automated Systems,Emerald Passport,Liberty League,and Coastal Vacations. All of the aforementioned programs have much to offer... so to outshine them Predator Marketing System has much to offer, and top notch training to go along with it...

Stay Tuned for continuing commentary... at The Business End!

Life is a journey... enjoy the trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs

Monday, September 18, 2006

Predator 6 Step System to Success

Yes Predator really works

Looks good on paper… and has the added bonus of being the real thing…

With the training that comes with Predator Marketing System… you can learn to market anything you want… learn branding, build credibility in your chosen market, seo-how to rank at the top of the search engines rather than be lost in oblivion.

Increase traffic to whatever business/website you have and have additional income streams building at the same time. The training is done online in conference rooms… and can be recorded. So even with the differences in time zones you will be able to access it.

I love it that I can record it on my computer, if I am interrupted I can simply … attend to whatever is interrupting me and get back into the training without missing out on information that I need. The training alone, is worth more than the platinum price.

By the way… on the sales end, there are Professional Closers closing your system sales for you. This service is included in the price.

The only additional cost is The State of the Art Lead Generation and marketing technology we use. It is the fuel that drives the Predator engine. It runs $41.95 a month, and generates yet another stream of income. Which will cover it’s cost and keep on growing in a very short amount of time if you follow-through with what you learn in the training.

So… do I think it’s real… yes very much so… check that, I know it’s real it’s working quite well for me. I have more than covered the price in savings due to my increased skill level. My business is benefiting across the board… internet based as well as stickbuilt. It’s a very good feeling to watch that bottom line these days. I tend to like the look of black ink rather than red on my financial statments.... lol ... I know that you know what I mean…

Predator is the Total Package... Top Quality Product... complete Training... Excellent Support...

Internet Based Business at it's finest... rivaling ... and surpassing in my opinion ... the top internet income earners out there.
Life is a journey... enjoy the trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Happy Hairballs

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Good morning... wow...where do I start...

Good Morning... Bright and early... Well early been up for quite a while already... It's official... it's Autumn... my favorite season... I love the color change in the trees... the easing of the oppressive heat of summer... turning into the crisp days of autumn... we've had a couple of rains... so the pastures are greening again... the cattle have been able to stay on our pasture all summer into autumn this year... this is the first time that's been able to be done since we bought this place in 2003.The happy hairballs (poms) are in their last shed of the season... before they start packing on heavy coats for winter... they are enjoying the warm days and cool evenings as well... it's fun to watch them tear the straw bales apart that are put in their houses... each house gets a bale at a time... gives a nice deep layer of bedding... their houses are 4ft by 7ft... need to replace some vinyl door stripping... Had an electrician out to give an estimate for wiring... it will be soooooooo nice to have heated waters in the exercise pens... overhead lights... etc...On the Internet business end... The Predator Marketing System is really popping... and it's pulling the rest of my business portfolio right along with it... Yes I'm doing a happy and grinning from ear to ear... If at all possible... jump on board... because this baby is moving out... building momentum...and picking up speed... It's going to be a wonderful ride... It doesn't matter whether you know what to do or not... because... the training provided is top notch... step by step training... you get into the training ... which is included at no additional cost I might add... and you will have the practical knowledge and skill to market anything you choose... and be successful at it... none of this... I have this wonderful business, product or idea... now what do I do... you'll know what to do... and have the skills to make it happen...Ok...yes I'm excited... just a little run... my happy hairballs need their morning attention...Life is a journey... enjoy the trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Happy Hairballs307-788-0202 skype robbinsrun (Pomeranian Site) (Predator Marketing System)By the way... if you email me and I don't get back with you promptly... pick up the phone and dial it... between my Pomeranians and Predator... I'm not ignoring you just crazy busy... so ...hello... just keep at it till you get me...Life is for living...not simply existing...Mary E. Robbins

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Wonderful Wednesday Morning...

It's 70 degrees... yay... full day ahead... in truth I've already had a busy morning... today is a photo day... in addition to basic kennel care... construction... training... marketing... and yes I am doing oxyicse and hitting the ellipitical... zoom zoom zoom... Business across the board is looking good... I'm totally revved up about the Predator release this friday... WOW... there is a live conference this evening 7:30 EST (eastern standard time) the location is Your user name is your first name and password is guest. Be there early so you can get in... you'll need to download a little program to use the conference room... the program is safe... and no it dosen't cost you anything... See you in the conference! I'll be there... WOW... WOW... WOW... WOW... running with the Big Dogs in this one...

Life is a journey... enjoy the trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs (alias Poms)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

So you want to be in business for yourself...

Ok... work for yourself... hmmmmm... sounds great... now what... do this do that... jump up and down go splat... how do you work for yourself and succeed... depends... what does success mean to you... is it financial security... adventure... risk ratio... prestige... freedom... things... some or all of the aforementioned...

do you have a plan... a legitimate prospect... hmmm... something to think about... I'm Happy to be able to say... yes I have a plan... some wonderful legitimate prospects... excellent product... top of the line training... great marketing... yup... I'm doing it...

I've worked for myself a long time... stick and mortor business... a kennel actually... been looking for alternative streams of income... found some very good solid companies ... good products... products that are what they say they are... that was refreshing to me... lol... now I've come across a way to do my marketing... that is bouncing me up into the leagues of the big dogs... bow wow wow ... yippie yay ... yippie yo... bow wow wow! and a BIG BOW WOW WOW TOO!

Life is a journey... enjoy the trip...Mary & the Hairballs


Entreprenuer en.tre.pre.neur

A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture

One who is willing to live like noone else so that they can LIVE like noone else!