Good Day all you work at home titans...
My focus this week is on Personal Responsibility.
Personal Responsibility is paramount to a successful life, by any definition. This is true in your personal family life, as well as your business life.
What do I mean by personal responsibility?
Whenever you venture into a new business, offline or online, do your due diligence. Whether you are a stay at home mom looking for a work at home opportunity, or one of this world's moms who work from home already, it is important to fully investigate any work from home venture.
Whether you choose to work at home full time or are looking for a part time Internet business, whatever program you choose needs to have a viable stand alone product.
Of course this applies to the work from home dads as well as singles of whatever gender.
I can not stress this enough, Investigate! Does the program you are considering, or already involved with, have a viable stand alone product? If so, do you know what it is? If you don't know what you are selling, find out. At the very least your integrity is on the line.
On the flip side if you are criticizing, or critiquing, a program make sure you actually know what you are talking about. Can you back up your statements with fact? If you are slamming a program and can not back up your statements with facts, you are compromising your own integrity. Not to mention opening yourself up to a liable suit. It doesn't matter whether it is a high dollar system or a low dollar system, know your facts.
The Predator Marketing System is one such system that actually has a viable stand alone product. There is training available for all, who choose to follow-through, that rivals a year at university. In addition there is the Make Money or Make Excuses the Journey Continues course included in the package. On going mentoring and support as well as a real estate course. As well as, professional closers taking the pressure off of you in regards to closing a sale, and advertising support.
Obviously I think highly of this program. The training that is included is top notch. This is a program that if (note that if) you get into the training and impliment it. You will be able to market anything you choose on the internet and be successful at it. There's that personal responsiblilty thing, it's entirely up to you as to whether you take advantage of the available training. Or just sit on the couch and munch potato chips and gripe because your internet business isn't making you any money.
That being said, the Platinum level of Predator Marketing System is not for everybody. It has a hefty price tag of $3995.00 In my opinion it is well worth the price. (yes my system is platinum) However, If you are new to internet marketing, or your budget is stretched beyond belief this is not the starting place for you.
The Gold level in Predator may be more inline with your budget allowances. It runs $1499.00. I can't stress this enough, this is a business decision. Ask yourself: is this a viable option for me? Is there any way my budget can cover this without sacrificing the mortgage or rent. If it is a viable option for you, take action. Make a decision and take action.
If the Platinum or Gold levels are beyond your finances, or your risk level. Then don't do it. Start at the Silver level. The Silver level in Predator Marketing System is only $59.95. This is the place to start if your finances simply will not accommodate the Platinum or Gold systems. Or if you have no internet experience. Start at the Silver level and get into the training. At this level you have training available, and the opportunity to work up to the higher levels. Get into the training and learn how to market on the internet. Don't procrastinate, make a decision and take action.
The Predator Marketing System supports your other businesses on it's business portfolio page, acting as a traffic portal promoting the programs and or products you choose to market.
The Predator Marketing System is a new launch that has the stability and value of Mentors on a Mission driving it on. This new launch has both value and substance.
Life is a journey... enjoy the Trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
The Business End
a Nifty Linking Tool...
The Predator Marketing System
PS. Here's some Free goodies that will help with your marketing efforts.
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